Sunday, August 1, 2010

New Project: jQuery Plugin

I love, love, love jQuery. It's brilliant. It's completely revolutionized JavaScript for me. What was once a cumbersome, overstretched language, is now a joy to work with. It's so easy to whip up a page together with the use of jQuery and it's ever-expanding collection of plugins.

I've had a debate with a coworker of mine a few times about how ingenious jQuery is. How with such a relatively small library, John Resig all but created an entirely new language, abstracting the DOM and giving a simple, elegant way for reference elements on the page, practically restructuring the syntax of JavaScript, adding nice extras like animation effects, class selection, not to mention the core functions of the jQuery API. Probably my favorite feature about jQuery though, is its plugins. This is what puts jQuery above widget libraries like Ext-JS. My coworker doesn't share my opnion, and in fact prefers Ext-JS for some reason.

Regardless, for all those reasons, I'm starting my first jQuery plugin. I'm not going to say too much about it right now, I'll hold off until the code is started, but I have drafted some screen shots that I think look nice. I've asked my friend Nnamdi (who first told me of the awesomeness of jQuery) if he would like to help with the project. He likes the idea and I think has every intention to join in, but the bulk of this endeavor will rest on me, which I am used to, and quite content with. More later.

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